Monastic Community

The monks have time for God and reserve for themselves regular hours to praise God together. God sanctifies men when they pray. According to ancient tradition, the Psalms form an integral part of this prayer.

Typical monastic is the atmosphere of silence and reflection. The monk has to find to himself in order to be able to live completely for God and for the others.

Our community follows the example of Jesus with his disciples and the early church. Christ is the real head of the monastic community. In the faith we see in the abbot the deputy of Christ in the monastery. With his leadership he has taken on a spiritual paternity.

The monastery is a place of work and of a variety of activities for which a healthy rhythm of the day is given. Work is a necessary service to the community, and at the same time it is part of God's work of creation and salvation.

The monk lives "alone", without a partner in marriage. Celibacy for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven is a precious gift of grace. Together with the chastity of the body and of the thoughts, it makes the heart free for undivided love for Christ and love for all human beings.

The monk sets a sign and testimony: Earthly life is only something penultimate. The monk believes in "the life of the future world" of God. That is why he can renounce penultimate values (such as wealth).

Standing, from left to right Pater Notker Strässle, Brother Stefan Kurmann, Pater Norbert Cueni, Pater Ludwig Ziegerer, Pater Augustin Grossheutschi, Brother Anton Abbt Pater Nikolaus Gisler, Brother Wendelin Wyser, Pater Leonhard Sexauer. 

Sitting, from left to right Subprior Brother Martin Maria Planzer, Abbot Peter von Sury, Prior Pater Armin Russi, Abbot Emeritus, Pater Lukas Schenker 
Absent: Pater Ignaz Loyola Hartmann, Pater Franz Xaver Aschwanden, Pater Markus Bär.

April 2021