“Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—”
Psalm 103:2
If we are honest,
we all experience stressful situations, make mistakes, and sometimes hurt others. We act selfishly, tell lies, and cause harm. We also miss opportunities to do good. All of this can be difficult to bear. So, who can offer us relief?”
God is waiting for us
He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, who took upon Himself all our guilt on the cross, so that we can continue our journey with a sense of relief. God is love and does not impose Himself on us. We are invited to accept His love and forgiveness.
Dare to
examine your life and ask yourself: What role does God play in my life? How have I treated others and myself? For further reflection, you can find more guidance in hymn books, numbers 25–27.
It is a great relief
to be able to talk to someone about everything—truly everything. We Benedictine fathers are happy to listen to you in the confessional. There is no need to be afraid. You cannot do anything wrong in confession, and no one will judge you. As priests, we are bound by the vow of confidentiality and offer you forgiveness in the name of God.
Welcome to reconciliation with God!
During opening hours or by appointment at
Tel. +41 (0)61 735 11 11
or by e-mail